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La Feve Chocolate Crackling Pecan

La Feve Chocolate Crackling Pecan
La Feve Chocolate Crackling Pecan
La Feve Chocolate Crackling Pecan
La Feve Chocolate Crackling Pecan
La Feve Chocolate Crackling Pecan
La Feve Chocolate Crackling Pecan
La Feve Chocolate Crackling Pecan
18.00 лв.

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Уважаеми клиенти, поръчките с бутона за "БЪРЗА ПОРЪЧКА" работят по следния начин:

  1. Моля, попълнете телефон за връзка и натиснете бутона „ИЗПРАТИ“.
  2. Наш оператор ще се свърже с Вас възможно най-скоро в работно време от 08:30 до 16:30, от понеделник до петък.
  3. След уточнение на брой продукти, начин и цена на доставка, метод на плащане и адрес за получаване, ще изпратим Вашата поръчка максимално бързо.

We're going to explain the flavors of our chocolates as dances, because we need to find a comparison anyway, and the world of chocolate is too cryptic to find it there.

Hmmmm, it's actually quite simple. Do you remember how sometimes you don't feel like going out? Tucked away at home, maybe a glass of wine, maybe nothing else. Only those obnoxious bothers next to you grumble. And you don't say no, even though you want to scream no. You're going to a familiar place, you've been a thousand times. Now you're wondering why you came at all. Then they play Brimful of Asha and, now that's good, it's good. You know it's a song whose sole reason is to make you happy, and it does make you happy. Then they play one, on which you can only now hear what they are actually singing. Then one that was the big deal in high school, and we all, actually, listened to the most music in high school. Then they change the tempo a bit and then what happened that there is no mention of the poor, only give, give, give. You wave your arms, do the diver. Let the snuggles and glasses of wine settle, you, you, you are King and the world is full of subjects.

All colors are achieved with fruits and natural products

Please do not refrigerate — best at room temperature without sharp amplitudes.

La Feve products are paid for in advance by card or bank transfer. Delivery is made by 10am.

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Нашата цел е да създадем виртуален рай, където любителите на ароматната напитка могат да се събират, да откриват нови вкусове и да споделят техники за приготвяне.
Визията ни е да бъдем водещ бранд при избора на кафе!
Нашата мисия е да ви вдъхновяваме и да създаваме незабравими моменти с всяка глътка.
От кафе на зърна и мляно кафе до кафе на дози и разнообразни видове кафе на капсули, при нас ще намерите богато разнообразие за вашето удоволствие. Допълнително предлагаме кафемашини, чайове и шоколади, за да задоволим всички вашите желания.
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