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La Feve Chocolate Salted Caramel

La Feve Chocolate Salted Caramel
La Feve Chocolate Salted Caramel
La Feve Chocolate Salted Caramel
La Feve Chocolate Salted Caramel
La Feve Chocolate Salted Caramel
La Feve Chocolate Salted Caramel
La Feve Chocolate Salted Caramel
20.00 лв.

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Уважаеми клиенти, поръчките с бутона за "БЪРЗА ПОРЪЧКА" работят по следния начин:

  1. Моля, попълнете телефон за връзка и натиснете бутона „ИЗПРАТИ“.
  2. Наш оператор ще се свърже с Вас възможно най-скоро в работно време от 08:30 до 16:30, от понеделник до петък.
  3. След уточнение на брой продукти, начин и цена на доставка, метод на плащане и адрес за получаване, ще изпратим Вашата поръчка максимално бързо.

We're going to explain the flavors of our chocolates as dances, because we need to find a comparison anyway, and the world of chocolate is too cryptic to find it there.

But tango has nothing to do with it, if it is both smooth, sharp and in place. And since it's not reformed. Limitations, as in life, are welcome in tango. Hand in the air, red passion, but more of a hint of red passion, not a scorching hotbed, stroking, prodding and a bit of a cut, even a warm snuggle. Mmmmm, the tango — where the timing, not the current, between the two of you is important. Both the beginning and the end, not the middle, are important. And that there are no flying hands, but that there is you and me and me and you is important. And yes, yes, yes, again, but no, no, no, a good tango is rare and once and lives in memory, not in everyday life. Tango doesn't care if it's in place.

All colors are achieved with fruits and natural products

Please do not refrigerate — best at room temperature without sharp amplitudes.

La Feve products are paid for in advance by card or bank transfer. Delivery is made by 10am.

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