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Nespresso Vaniglio

Nespresso Vaniglio
Nespresso Vaniglio
Nespresso Vaniglio
Nespresso Vaniglio
Nespresso Vaniglio
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Brand: Nespresso
  • Model: Nespresso Vaniglio
16.90 лв.

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Nespresso VANILIO

Inspired by desserts and the cherished memories these hold for us, each Barista Creations flavoured is an exquisite coming together of coffee and classic flavours—an invitation to treat yourself. Our master blenders and roasters expertly bring coffee beans and some of the finest flavours together into one cup that holds the power to trigger a rush of beautiful memories.
To craft Barista Creations Flavoured Vaniglia we brought a custardy vanilla flavour into a smooth base blend of Arabica beans from Brazil and Colombia. The combination of the Brazilian Bourbon variety’s sweetness with the lively character of the washed Colombian coffee is the perfect landing for the complex, warming nature of the beloved vanilla flavour. The coffee blend’s mellow, malted cereal notes bring a rounded, silky taste that elegantly complements classic vanilla.

Take a moment to enjoy the warm custardy vanilla flavour meeting the silky smoothness of South American Arabicas.

Split roast, the Brazilian coffee is lightly roasted to keep it smooth and with all its malted cereal notes intact, while the majority of the Colombian coffee beans get a short roast to release all their finer aromatics. A fine grind adds a glimmer of intensity to this harmonious coffee.

Aromatic profile
This flavoured blend delights with the classic vanilla flavour combined with sweet biscuits and cereal notes.

Milk Description
As a cappuccino, this flavoured coffee blend gains creaminess and develops more biscuity, caramel and nutty notes on top of its vanilla flavour

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